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Pest Control News

Latest info on Pest Control Services Market

Pest Control Services Market, by Application and By Service Type-Industry Insights, Trends, and Forecast Pest control is the management and re…

Bagaimana kes demam denggi di Petaling jaya berjaya dikurangkan sebanyak 31%

Kes demam denggi yang dilaporkan tahun ini di Petaling Jaya dilaporkan telah berkurangan sehingga 31% berbanding tempoh masa yang sama tahun lepas.…

29 tempat pembiakan nyamuk aedes ditemui hanya di satu rumah di Kampung Pinji, Perak

Sebuah rumah di Kampung Pinji, Perak, telah dikesan menjadi pusat pembiakan nyamuk aedes yang amat menakjubkan. Dalam pemeriksaan yang dilakukan ol…

Peningkatan mendadak kes denggi di kalangan pekerja pembinaan di Kuala Lumpur

Kes denggi di kalangan pekerja pembinaan hanya ada 2 kes sahaja tahun lepas. Tahun ini sebanyak 16 kes telah dilaporkan berlaku di kalangan pekerj…

End Of Zika Emergency But Virus Remains A Threat - WHO

GENEVA/CHICAGO: The World Health Organization on Friday declared that Zika no longer constitutes an international emergency, but it stressed a nee…

MPSJ arah tutup 2 restoran di Pusat Bandar Puchong

Dalam satu operasi pemantauan kebersihan restoran baru-baru ini, pihak MPSJ telah mengarahkan sebanyak 2 buah restoran di Pusat Bandar Puchong agar…

Traders at Perak UTC concerned about pest problem at the centre’s food court

A GROUP of traders operating in the Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) are concerned about cleanliness at the centre’s food court – a place they use…

Zika striking fear in people, engaging their own pest control services

This is news from The Star . People are talking about Zika everywhere now especially those in town area and they are taking their own initiative to…

Home Outdoor Pest Control Devices Market to Grow in 2015-2020

In 2015, the Americas dominated the global home outdoor pest control devices market with over 50% share. Most of the leading players operate their …

New discrovery could transform pest control industry

Pest control could undergo a major transformation following the discovery of a gene responsible for giving insects their waterproof coating. The …

Learn about the latest pest management solutions in Pest Control Summit

SINGAPORE: Members of the public will be able to learn more about the latest pest management solutions at a summit, which is set to showcase some o…

Colombian Farmers to Use Israeli-Bred Insects for Natural Pest Control

Over the next year, BioBee Biological Systems at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu in northern Israel will ship some 600 million specially bred predatory mites t…

Scientists create malaria-blocking mosquitoes

Using a groundbreaking gene editing technique, University of California scientists have created a strain of mosquitoes capable of rapidly introduci…

A Novel System For Trapping Mosquitoes wins award

Kota Kinabalu: UMS researchers participating in the British Invention Show (BIS) 2015 competition won two Platinum Special Awards, four Gold, two S…

Exposure to insecticides may increase the risk of childhood cancers

A new meta-analysis from the Harvard School of Public Health finds that exposure to insecticides in and around the home may increase kids' risk…

Global Pest Control Services Market Growth

Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/09/2015 -- The pest control services has displayed a substantial growth in the past few years, and is anticipa…

Dual-Purpose Pest Control Formula Invented by InventHelp Client (NJD-911)

PITTSBURGH, PA (PRWEB) OCTOBER 08, 2015 As a homeowner, do you prefer to tackle challenges like pest infestations on your own or hire a professio…

Helping Malaysians breathe easy

AIMING to provide a healthy and comfortable environment to households, Sharp has introduced its unique Mosquito Catcher Air Purifier and Mite Catch…

Pest control concerns in focus at Abu Dhabi conference

ABU DHABI, 2 days ago. Experts will discuss plans to reduce the negative impacts of pest control with a sustainable and environmentally cautious …

Farmers in tropical forests are training ants to kill off bigger pests

Farmers who have harnessed the collective power of the humble ant have proved more successful at controlling the pests that ravage their crops than…