You may need help from a professional pest control company if some creepers, crawlers or marchers from the outside have found their way into your house. But how to select a professional pest control firm so that you can avoid frustration anda at the same time save your money.
There are big differences in terms of prices and satisfaction ratings of firms by their customers. One thing for sure is that there's no relationship between price and quality. You may find some of the lowest priced pest control firms rated nery high for quality by their customers.
Select a professional pest control firm
Whichever pest control firm you choose, please find below some advice for getting good service at a reasonable price:- Get several inspections and proposals from different pest control firms. For example in termite work, call 3 or 4 pest control firm to come at your house for inspections and proposal. You may find the best proposal from it.
- Beware of firms who always try to make easy and fast money. Some firms have been known to recommend treatment when there is no active infestation or serious threat of one. Do not forget to ask each firms to elaborate about alternative treatment strategies.
- Avoid long-term contracts. Often a single well-done treatment will do the job. Many firms will offer to provide free re-treatments if needed within a warranty period.
- For termites, consider paying each year to have a guarantee extended for a year or two after treatment. After that, if there has been no further evidence of infestation, most people will save by letting the guarantee lapse.
- Ask for a "certified pest control applicator" who has successfully completed training and passed a Pesticide Applicator Licensed (PAL) exam. Many firms send out "registered technicians" who are not certified applicators.
- Find out what pesticide will be used and be sure that label precautions are followed. Be skeptical about safety claims and insist that safety precautions be followed. Many chemicals that were widely used just 10 years ago are no longer in use because of safety concerns.
- Be aware that some chemicals are safer than others. For example, treatment for cockroaches with boric acid may eliminate the need for more dangerous chemicals.
- Try using poisonous baits (instead of spray treatments) keeps poisons confined, and can be very effective long-term because many of the bait formulations work by getting the insects to take the poison back to a nest. (In the termite field, however, there are pros and cons of bait systems as compared to the traditional use of insecticide barriers around a structure.
- Companies will want you to sign up for regular monthly or quarterly visits for a long as you want protection to continue, at considerable annual cost to you.)
- Ask what should be removed from the treatment area, how long the house must be vacant after application, and how long the chemicals will be potent.
- To avoid getting pests in the first place, close off cracks and other small points of entry from the outside, reduce or eliminate excess moisture, cut off access to foods, and generally work at better sanitation.
Finally, if you need a professional pest control firm to eliminate your pest problems aroung Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Subang Jaya and Damansara, please contact Knockout Fumigation Sdn Bhd. Call Izam at 012-2067357