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Restaurants and fast food establishments present a major challenge in terms of preventing pest problems. This is because 1. they are highly vulnerable to pest invasion and they may contain many resources to sustain pests which have entered.

Despite regulations and official inspection procedures aimed at minimizing hygiene and pest problems in these establishments, many continue to have longstanding problems with pests, particularly German cockroaches. In some cases, the management and employees in these establishments haven given up all hope of having freedom from pests and simply forcus on concealing the situation from clientele. Inevitably they fail to fool everyone, and this can result in complaints, litigation, official enforcement action, newspaper headlines, and even temporary or permanent closure.

Fortunately these pest problems can be eradicated and future problem can be avoided by using the latest pest management program - Integrated Pest Management which stressed on understanding the factors favoring pests in these establishment and to recognize some factors which can make pest management difficult.

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