Planning a Pest Management Program
There is no quick and easy ways of solving pest problems in restaurant, particularly when confronting a well established population of German Cockroaches. An effective pest management program involves hardwork, both by pest control professional and by the owner.
If previous pest management program had failed to solve the problem, it is like to take more time and more money (perhaps 5 to 10 times more money) to do an effective job. Most restaurants and fast food operations faces a budget issue thus they usually goes for the cheapest and least number of treatments rather than solving their pest problems. This objection can be easily overcome by explaining the dangers of a pest problem in term of potential disease transmission, loss of reputation and litigation, and by assuring them that even longstanding problems can be solved.
Pest management programs may vary from place to place, depending on such factors as climate, construction methods and materials, the locations especially in shopping complexes where presence of adjoining buildings, floor level sanitations and maintenance standards and lastly the level of commitment of the owner.
Integrated Pest Management approach to restaurants.
Needless to say, the main contributor to the pest growth is the employees' factor. Their lack of awareness of pest and floor level sanitation expected by the consumers.
Below is some guidelines in implementing the pest management program.
1. Obtaining the management cooperations.
2. Inspection of the premises - power of survey
3. Developing recommendations for non-chemical measures.
4. Developing recommendations for chemical treatments.
5. Obtaining cooperation from on-site staffs
6. Implementation of initial treatments
7. Implementing follow up treatments
8. Monitoring the results
In most cases the possibility of re-infestation from incoming materials, the above measures would need to be repeated in the cyclical process. The details of each cycle may vary depending on the actions taken in the previous cycle that would have changed the pest situation.
In short - Integrated Pest Management derives from the word "PEST" which can be best explain in four words. P - Prevention, E - Exclusion, S - Sanitation and T - Treatment.