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FLU PANDEMIC "UNSTOPPABLE", Death Toll rises, Schools closed, NS camps closed are some of the head news in our dailies.

What precautious measures must we takes? Is personal hygiene the best way to protect yourself? What if one of our colleague is infected with H1N1 and the next course of action? Can my offices or premise be disinfected?

Some of the symptoms of H1N1 includes
  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Nasal
  • Cough
  • Respiratory Problems Disinfection with Virex II 256 in the premise
  • Body Aches
Preventive Measures

Prevention of Influenza A(H1N1) should start from basic personal hygiene. Here are some effective personal prevention measures:

  • Wash hands properly and keep them clean. Alcohol-based handrub can be used when there is no obvious dirt on hands.
  • Avoid touching mouth, nose or eyes unless you are sure that your hands are clean.
  • Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are contaminated by respiratory secretion, e.g. after sneezing or coughing.
  • Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
  • No spitting. Nasal and mouth secretions should be wrapped by tissue paper, and dispose of properly in a rubbish bin with a lid.
  • Wear a mask when there are respiratory infection symptoms or fever, and see a doctor at once.
  • Do not go to work or school if influenza-like symptoms develop.

Proper steps for handwashing

  1. Wet hands under running water.
  2. Apply liquid soap and rub hands together to make a soapy lather.
  3. Rub the palms, back of hands, between fingers, back of fingers, finger tips, thumbs and wrists for at least 20 seconds. Do not rinse with water during that.
  4. Rinse hands thoroughly under running water.
  5. Dry hands thoroughly with a clean cotton towel, a paper towel or a hand dryer.
  6. Wrap the faucet by using the towel and turn off the tap. The cleaned hands should not touch the water tap directly again.


  1. Effective one-step neutral quaternary based formula for use in hospitals and other facilities where the control of cross contamination is of prime purpose.
  2. Provide broad-spectrum kill of micro-organisms including HBV, HIV-1, VRE, MRSA, GRSA, MRSE, VISA, PRSP, Herps Simplex Types 1 & 2, Influenza Type A2, Adenovirus, Rotavirus and many more. EPA Registered.
  3. In early tests, kills H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu).
  4. Highly concentrate formula provides excellent one-step, cost effective cleaning and disinfection.
  5. Kills the organisms that cause odors and works as an odor counteratant to further eliminate odors not associated with bacteria.



The Virex II 256 is apply by mean of an Atomizer which will break the liquid pesticides/germicides into aerosol droplets ranging from 1 and 30 micron. The concept of ULV treatment involves distributing a very small amount of concentrated insecticide solution over a relatively large area. The most effective droplets are those from 5 to 15 micron range as they can remain airborne for period of 2 to 6 hours and are carried by air currents. Eventually these tiny floating droplets contact most of the targeted object that are exposed to the surrounding air current.

Prior to the treatment, all building occupants must be informed that they will need to evacuate the area to be treated for several hours following the treatment.

All exposed foods and utensils including cutleries must be stored or removed. All sensitive electronic equipments must be covered with plastic sheet.

Before treated buildings are reoccupied, they must be ventilated by opening windows and door.

After treatment, any food contact surfaces, cutleries must be rinsed thoroughly.

After releasing the chemical, the treated premise must be sealed for at least 2 hours before re-entry is allow. Before entering, allow 15-30 minutes for ventilation.

For more informations, please call Pest Sciences (KL) Sdn. Bhd. Tel: 03 - 7846 6722.

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